Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Google Play Hits 25 Billion Downloads! US$0.25 App Promo as a Thank You.

Google Play Hits 25 Billion Downloads a few hours ago. In celebration, apps will be sold at a discounted price of US$0.25 over the next five days. 


So far I noticed Gameloft's Asphalt 7, Rovio's Angry Birds Space Premium, Kemco's Symphony of EternityGranny SmithDraw Something and NFL Kicker 13  are all selling at just Php10.44 as part of the promotional sale.


On the non-gaming apps we have OfficeSuite Pro 6 +, Tasks and Ocean HD at just Php10.44.

I already bought Tasks a few months back. Great app. But I did pick up OfficeSuite Pro 6 + and Symphony of Eternity. 

I might not see some apps on sale, as I have bought several already. If you find anything else on sale, please do share it in the comments section.

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